Welcome to Our Online Community

Welcome to Our Online Community Site and we are excited to have you here visiting us. My Online Finds, is a place we know you will be glad you found.   You just have found the best internet site for new stuff that you may or may not have ever seen before.  

Things on the internet change so fast that who can keep up. Well we take those hours of looking and put them into one place…RIGHT HERE!! We constantly add and update detailed information about new daily things coming out online.  

The goal is to teach the online community where to find the best source of new stuff available online. Like our Learn Internet Business and Marketing found under All Things E-Business & E-Marketing Section. Keep reading; because you could literally change your entire financial future.

Why?  Because that is what we do.  We have found it, we have added it, and best of all we love sharing it.   You have come to the right place. Whether you want to make a purchase; just browsing or looking to add to your finances; because we have unlimited potential here to change your incomes as well as you being able to help others along the way.  We all have both Needs and Wants.  There are several things on our community site that can make your life better and more fulfilling. Check back and browse through our various Categories of information.  There are new things being added all the time and it is all here for you to explore and enjoy.

Again, Welcome to Our Online Community and Thank you for taking your time to check all the amazing things we have to offer. We look forward to building a long lasting relationship with you; AND…through many more years to come. We would love for you to bookmark and share this website with your Friends and Family; as we know everyone will want to come back and visit often.

New Stuff with New Prospects:

Check out the amazing New Stuff with New Prospects and information that allows you access new ways to make for a better life for yourself. Whatever you are not looking; I am sure you know someone else who is as well so; bookmark this site and let them know about the opportunities offered here that allow them to have a better income potential.

We are always Trying to cover several different areas of interest. AND… hope we have been successful by adding some very unique products and new ones in the days to come.  Some things have time limits on their availability. Register to receive Email notifications when things are happening. AND… ALWAYS bookmark this site; so you can come back often as you want. You never know when we have just added something new and exciting. Once again, inform your friends and family. I know you will not want to keep it to yourself. They will want to know about some of these amazing things we have here as well. Because; Sharing is a wonderful feeling. What could be better then if you share this and change someone’s life for the better!

Helping people is a huge focus for us. They can have a Income potential online. AND… finding that item that they have been looking for at an incredible price; then it is a win win.

Look to your Right to Register for New Stuff with New Prospects. This Great Gift is there to benefit anyone if not you! We enjoy the Emails from visitors to our friends here in our Online Community; AND… believe that even though it might be New Stuff out there; it may not be worth putting it on this site.

So; if you are looking for ways to have income potential or you know somebody else; don’t hesitate to share this page. its REAL.  But, if you do nothing then know that you (and possibly someone you could have helped) will be missing their golden opportunity of a lifetime.

An entire section crazy and real… See Employment and Jobs by clicking here.