EMF Protection

When it comes to EMF protection; we are of a shared truth that it is better to be protected from it, than to not be. It all makes sense that something that can transfer voice, data, and Hugh file sizes and technology; a downside to it somewhere. These electro magnetic fields (rays of energy) pierce our entire body. AND… it happens regardless of us knowing about it. So it makes logical sense to add protections, whenever and wherever we can.

We found these incredible and affordable solutions. There are some must haves by using the Bio Arc Discs.

Why we need protection from EMF (electro magnetic field) & other electronic signals; like today’s electronic signals used in mobile applications?

With the Increasing levels of EMF and other electronic signals, such as what is used in today’s mobile applications may cause a variety of symptoms as listed below. These include the following:

  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression & depressive symptoms
  • fatigue & tiredness
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite & weight
  • restlessness & anxiety

With these kind of possible symptoms, we really need to protect ourselves from these sound waves from causing us harm.

NATURAL HEALTH and Wellness is something we have been researching for some time and have discovered many areas of interest. One of the most interesting is the study of our Body’s Energy and the tools to make sure it stays positive. Our research has found a wonderful company that provides such tools.

In our research of our bodies energy, we learn about Chakras and Healing Crystals that are energy vortexes that exist the body.

The Power of Crystals

Crystals Can Change Your Energy Vibrations

Powerful fact…When a crystal’s higher frequency tunes into your lower frequency it raises yours up to match it.

The crystal works with your goals and desires in a similar way. With a strong, positive energy; the crystal magnifies & amplifies your energy. So Wearing crystals close to your body or even in your pocket has remarkable effects.

The Science Behind Crystals

Do not dismiss this work, There is scientific evidence relating to the body’s energy and of the power of crystals.

The Human Body Energy Field

There is an energy field around our body that cannot be changed. We can however work at balancing our Chakras, keeping the energy positive.

Life today is full of pressure & stress. Sleep, for most people, becomes an issue. Placing crystals in the bedroom can be helpful. Crystals can be placed in several areas throughout your home or office to protect you from negative energy. AND… a good night’s sleep, check it out produced with nanotechnology.

Harmful EMF

The age of technology is what we live in and it is only going to get more that way. Practically every man, woman and child have a cell phone. AND… Most have electronic tablets, laptops, PCs, radios, televisions, and the other accompanying electronic equipment to keep them running, AND… with all of the emit EMF, which are not friendly to our bodies.

Protect yourselves from bad energy; Place crystals in areas you spend the most time. This may be your house, your office, or even your car. This company’s products improve ambient radiation.

Where Does It Come From

Our need & desire to have the latest & greatest gadgets could possibly be putting our very health at risk. We use Radiation to treat cancers and the Nuclear radiation is a source of EMF. A few examples of High Risk fields of electromagnetic.

Low risk fields are more in use. These are in every home and/or office. Internet Routers, we all have cellphones and appliances, even our light bulbs emit an electromagnetic field, EMF. Our natural light, the sun also produces EMF in the form of UV rays. Hence, why your skin burns. Skin poisoning can occur with spend too much time in the sun and in the summer we are even more subjectable to the sun and it’s UV rays. Powerlines our homes and office supply of energy, emit one of the biggest sources of low risk electromagnetic fields.

Energy Healing

Everything in the universe has it’s frequency & energy. Our lives are in complete harmony and our health is good when our Chakras are balanced. If a chakra becomes blocked and exposed to negative energy, we can experience emotional distress & disease.

The book contains essential information AND… most importantly, healing remedies and treatments are also included.

  • Yoga postures
  • Meditations
  • Crystals
  • Essential oils
  • Diet
  • And, more!